We assemble.

Our assemblies are small intentionally. So that you can get the focused time and attention you need to learn and grow in a safe environment. It’s not a house church. It’s not an institutional church. It’s a local assembly.

Upcoming events.

S.H.I.E3.L.D. Community brings people together breaking down denominational walls to study the Scriptures and know the truth of the Word of Christ. We welcome the Holy Spirit to be our Teacher and to lead us and guide us into all truth.

This is a time for fellowship, biblical study, open discussion, encouragement, and prayer. We are an assembled body of believers which means we create a safe haven for all to share and lift up the name of Jesus. Our time is engaging, equipping, and empowering.

Filtering by: “Workshop”

Keys to Successful Bible Study
to Sep 24

Keys to Successful Bible Study

  • Church Builders Bible Training Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Keys to Successful Bible Study is a workshop that will equip you with the knowledge you need to develop your biblical study skills. You will be able to learn the bible's historical and cultural details that bring significance, giving opportunity to deepen your revelation. You will learn to use Hermeneutics, the same tools and methods theologians use. The pro tips you will acquire in this workshop, Keys to Successful Bible Study will be invaluable to you for your lifelong journey of biblical study.

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