Let us pray with you and for you.

“If any be defeated [in faith] among you let him call for the elders of the assembly and let them pray over him in the Holy Spirit, covering him with the flow of the spirit in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save him and Lord shall lift his spirits: and if he has committed sins, of unbelief, they shall be forgiven him.” Teaching interpretation of James 5:15

Everyone, even the strong among us, has times of weakness. When you are experiencing a weak time in your life, you are not alone. Christ Who died for all leads His body to love one another and care for one another, and praying for one another to be healed and renewed. We consider it an honor to serve God by serving you in prayer, spiritual and practical care.

Here’s how you can reach us:

Call Us / Text Us


You can call and hear an encouraging prayer message.

Email Us


You can email and our prayer team will respond quickly and confidentially with a prayer message.

Please note: This ministry is a mandated reporter identified as Members of clergy, by the State of Michigan. This means that we are obligated to report any intent or action of harm, neglect, or abuse to the proper authorities which will break any obligation of confidentiality.